Trifolium squarrosum L.
Annual fodder-type plants with large roots are used for green manure or fodder
Can be used for various purposes: pastures, fodder and hay production, green soil fertilization, seed cultivation
The plants are covered with hairs, so fresh hay is more suitable for forage than dried hay
Spring-summer sowing
Gives one harvest of green mass
Compared to other annual clovers, plants of this species are larger in size, have more leaves, and give a better yield of green mass
Drought tolerant
Tolerant of low temperatures. The rosette stage tolerates temperatures down to -10 °C for several days
A big advantage of this type of clover is fast growth and adaptation to various growing conditions and soil types
Tolerates various soils (clay, sandy), wet and dry, except flooded and calcareous
Can be grown alone or in mixtures with other fodder bell and leguminous grasses or oats, vetch, peas
It is advisable to grow in pastures, when the green mass is cut before flowering or during flowering. Leafy plants are rich in protein
Can also be used as a green manure, but must be cut before full bloom is reached
When preparing the soil for sowing, it should not be plowed very deeply, only loosened. It is sown at a depth of 1-2 cm.
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here.
Recommended sowing rate: when sowing alone - 30-40 kg/ha, and in mixtures - 15-25 kg/ha
Recommended sowing rate for green fertilizer: 20-30 kg/ha