CELAREN L is nutritional catalysts with phytostimulating activity based on Brown Algae (Pheophic) obtained through a production process that keeps the natural components unchanged. CELAREN L provide all the substances present in algae (amino acids, vitamins, phytohormones, alginates, betaine, etc.) that are indispensable for plants.The periodic use of CELAREN L allow a balanced vegetative and productive development of crops facilitating recovery when pests or adverse causes (frosts, droughts, treatments with herbicides, etc.), prevent the normal functioning of them. CELAREN L is particularly recommended in periods of greater vegetative activity of plants. that the same are easily absorbed and transported inside the plants by regulating the transport of the different nutrients and ensuring rapid growth and a right vegetative-productive balance. CELAREN L facilitate crop recovery, when pests or adverse causes (frosts, droughts, herbicide treatments, transplant crises, etc.) curb their normal functionality. CELAREN L is allowed in Organic Farming pursuant to Art. 8 of Legislative Decree 75/2010.