Sweet Wormwood (青蒿, artemisia annua, artemisia apiacea, qing hao, annua artemisia)is known in China, which contains artemisinin, which has antimalarial activity.
Heat clearing and heat relieving, except steaming. It is used for heat evil fever, yin deficiency fever, night heat and early cooling, bone steaming fever, malaria cold and heat, damp and heat jaundice.
What is Sweet Wormwood?
Sweet Wormwood is the dried part of Artemisia annua L. above the ground. It is a kind of famous Chinese traditional medicinal herb. Sweet Wormwood has the effect of clearing deficiency heat, removing bone and steaming, relieving heat, cutting malaria, and retreating yellow. The herb is distributed around China. At present, it is a relatively common Chinese herbal medicine, mainly used for treating malaria and clearing heat, and relieving heat. Artemisia annua is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine for colds. Habitat adaptability is strong; the eastern and southern provinces grow on the roadside, wasteland, hillside, forest margin, and so on.