Plant Herbs Medicine Dried Senna Leaf Fan Xie Ye Folium Senna
Sennae Folium (番泻叶, senna folium, cassia sennae folium, folium cassia angustifolia, senna angustifolia, fan xie ye)is an herb. The leaves and the fruit of the plant are used to make medicine.
Diarrhea, heat stagnation, defecation, and diuresis. For heat stagnation, constipation, abdominal pain, edema, and fullness.
Dried leaflets of Cassia Angustifolia Vahl or Cassia acutifolia defile.
What is Sennae Folium?
Senna Folium is a kind of Chinese medicine. There are some places in China that cultivate Sennae Folium, such as Guangdong, Hainan, Yunan, and so on. It only takes 3-5 months from sowing to flowering. The average temperature suitable for growth should be less than 10℃ days and should be 180-200d; this period of accumulated temperature is not less than 4000-4500℃. In Yuanjiang County, Yunnan Province, which is relatively dry and hot in China, the annual mean temperature is 23.8℃, and the annual rainfall is 484.7mm. The soil requires loose, well-drained sandy or alluvial soil; slightly acidic or neutral soil is preferred.
Product Description
Pin Yin Name
Fan Xie Ye
English Name
Senna Leaf
Latin Name
Folium Senna
Botanical Name
Cassia angustifolia Vahl Cassia acutifolia Delile
Other names
senna folium, cassia sennae folium, folium cassia angustifolia, senna angustifolia, fan xie ye
Green leaf
Smell and Taste
Light and special fragrancy, slightly bitter taste
Whole, slices, powder (We can also extract if you need)
Part Used
Shelf life
2 Years
Store in cool and dry places, keep away from strong light