An annual plant of the umbrella family, 20-120 cm tall. The root is thin, spindly, 60-70 cm long. The stem is erect, cylindrical, with small grooves, branched, hollow. Inflorescence - a long-stemmed, compound umbel with 3-6 bare spokes. The umbel consists of 5-15 bisexual small flowers. The green plant and unripe fruit smell like bugs. 1000 fruits weigh 5-7 g. Blooms in July-August. The fruits ripen in August-September. For coriander, choose lighter, structured, weed-free soils in a sunny and dry location. The best pre-sowing is winter cereals or storage plants. The soil is prepared from autumn: the stubble is shaved, after the weeds have germinated, it is cultivated and deeply plowed. In the spring, the soil is loosened as early as possible and sown in rows, leaving 50-60 cm between rows. The seed insertion depth is 3-5 cm. Fertilization with both organic and mineral fertilizers gives a good effect. The growing period is 90-120 days. Since coriander can be sown early, it ripens well in our region. The average yield is 1.0-1.5 t/ha.
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here
Recommended sowing rate: 14-20 kg/ha, depending on the sowing method