Brassica rapa L. ssp. Oleifera
A variety of winter rapeseed with particularly high stable yield potential, winter-hardy, resistant to dormancy, excellent disease resistance
Vegetation period - 320-340 days
The average yield is 3.3 t/ha
Harvest potential - 4.8 t/ha
The yield depends mainly on overwintering
Resistance to winter conditions is very good
The length of the stem is 155 cm
Stem leaves cover 1/3-2/3 of the stem (up to 1/3 of the entire plant)
Leaf rosette and lower stem leaves are medium/pale green, covered with small hairs and a waxy bluish upper layer
Resistance to dormancy is good, and this allows you to delay harvesting for a few days
Good/very good disease and pest resistance
The seeds are reddish-brown
The weight of 1000 seeds are 2.3-2.7 g
Oil content - 48.2%
Protein content in seeds - 31.4%
The content of glucosinolates varies significantly - 4.3-15.1 mmol/g
There is no erucic acid in the seeds
There are no significant differences between the amino acid composition of canola seeds and the amino acid composition of canola
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here
Recommended sowing rate: 6-7 kg/ha