Monoecious (female and male flowers on the same plant) seed hemp variety for fiber production, also suitable for seed/stem/biomass production
Flowering time - early/medium (about 68-70 days after sowing)
The period from sowing to biological maturity (full ripening of the seed) is about 140-145 days.
The number of monoecious plants (hermaphrodites) is quite large
The number of male plants is very small
The number of female plants is very small
The natural height of the plant is 2.5-3.5 m
High stalk yield - up to 10.0 t/ha
High seed yield - over 0.8 t/ha (with proper cultivation and harvesting, over 1.0 t/ha is obtained)
The weight of 1000 seeds are 15 g
Fiber yield - 25-30%
CBD content in inflorescences - about 1.5%
Adapted to the climatic conditions of Central (continental) Europe
Stem yield - 14.0 t/ha
Seed yield - 1.08 t/ha
The total height of the plant is 2.13 m
Raw fiber yield - 26.9%
The total fiber yield is 35.1 t/ha
Cellulose content - 50.7%
Cellulose yield - 7.2 t/ha
The weight of 1000 seeds are 13.7 g
Oil yield - 36.6%
Concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in dry weight - <0.0031% (THC concentration of varieties allowed to be grown in the EU does not exceed 0.2%)
*Data from 2004-2008. National registration COBORU research, Poland
The total yield is 15.7 t/ha
The yield of felled stalks is 14.2 t/ha
Seed yield - 0.49 t/ha
Raw fiber yield - 27.3%
The total fiber yield is 3.9 t/ha
Cellulose content - 47.5%
Cellulose yield – 6.7 t/ha
**Data from 2007 of Comparative Cannabis Varietal Research, Pętkowo, Poland
Vegetation period - about 142-145 days.
The period from sowing to flowering is 70-75 days.
The height of the plants at maturity is 250-350 cm
Fiber yield - 30%
Stem yield - up to 16.0 t/ha
The weight of 1000 seeds are about 15 g
Seed yield - 0.8-1.0 t/ha
Oil content in seeds - 31-34%
Protein content in seeds - 23-26%
Carbohydrate content in seeds - 26-29%
CBD content - 1.0-2.0%
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration in dry weight - < 0.2%
Recommended seeding rate (for growing fiber): 60-70 kg/ha. Recommended harvest time - full bloom - end of bloom.