Wintering annual, early/mid-early purple clover variety (autumn sowing), widespread in Europe
Grown alone or in mixtures for early fodder
Winters well
High yields of green and dry mass
It quickly becomes green in the spring
The height of the plants is average
The flowers are purple
Blooms for 2-3 weeks, depending on weather conditions
Seeds - yellow, oval
The weight of 1000 seeds are about 4 g
A good prelude
Does not like heavy, waterlogged soils
Used to improve the fertility of sandy soils
Only one harvest is taken, does not tolerate cutting
Suitable for fodder and green manure
Green mass can be ensiled
Suitable for bee pastures
It is sown in the second decade of August - this is a condition for good wintering (at the end of August at the latest) (recommended 6-8 weeks before the first frosts)
The seeds ripen by July 10. (Depending on weather conditions)
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here
Recommended seeding rate when growing fodder or green fertilizer: 25-30 kg/ha (6 million sprouted seeds/ha), row spacing 12 cm.
Recommended seeding rate for seeding crops: 16-18 kg/ha (4 million sprouted seeds/ha), row spacing 20 cm. It is sown at a depth of 1-2 cm.