An early, sweet-type, narrow-leaved lupine variety, recommended for grain cultivation. Grains are perfect for animal feed and their production because they contain few alkaloids
The height of the plants is 66 cm
Very resistant to lodging before harvesting - 8.4 points out of 9 points
The variety is highly resistant to viral diseases, anthracnose (8 points out of 9 points) and fusarium (8.2 points out of 9 points).
White flowers and white speckled seeds
Excellent evenness of grain ripening - 7.2 points out of 9 points
Weight of 1000 seeds - 165-175 g
Low alkaloid content - 0.039%
Great nutritional value of grains
It is recommended to apply Rhizobium sp before sowing. bacteria (Nitragin)
It is recommended to sow early, sowing depth 3-4 cm
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here
Recommended seeding rate: 100-120 plants/m², or ~180 (170-200) kg/ha
Recommended sowing rate for green fertilizer: 190-220 kg/ha